Discover a world of brands
Discover a world of brands
Travel like never before with our global rewards programme. Enjoy exclusive rewards from day one.
How it works
01 Join
Enjoy rewards from day one.
Download the Avolta Go app now and complete your profile.
02 Save
Save on brands you love.
Scan the QR code in your Avolta Go app to use your exclusive member discount in store.
03 Enjoy
Earn as you shop.
Collect points as you shop to unlock our Gold and Platinum level offers, savings and prizes.
Earn 5 points for every €1 equivalent you spend
When you join
5% discount in selected stores.
- 100 bonus points just for joining
- 100 bonus points when you refer a friend
- Exclusive member discounts and benefits
- Free entry to win prizes from our partners
- A special reward on your birthday
- Discounts and offers from our partners
- App-exclusive benefits in selected regions
2,000 points
7% discount in selected stores.
All the benefits of Silver, plus:
- Invites to special partner events
- Exclusive products from our partners
- App-exclusive benefits in selected regions
5,000 points
10% discount in selected stores.
All the benefits of Gold, plus:
- App-exclusive benefits in selected regions
Exclusive Member Pricing (Instore & Online*)
Members will be able to unlock exclusive prices across Avolta retail and F&B stores, as well as additional discount when using Reserve & Collect

Earn & Burn Partner Points
Members can earn points with our airline/hotel partners. Currently available with British Airways and Iberia in London Heathrow and across our stores in Spain. More partners to be added soon

Member Benefits: Products, Services, Experiences
Members also have access to benefits such as discounted car hire, airport lounge access, and hundreds of local benefits. They also get access ti exclusive products and entertainment experiences